Monday, November 25, 2019

A Ladies Retreat Day

Since my Ladies Retreat Weekend has grown in popularity, I wanted to offer something similar but more accessible to those who couldn't get away for a weekend or needed a more affordable price point. 

Thus, the Ladies Retreat Day was born!
Ladies can bring whatever they want to work on and I provide the space and a few little treats. 
Imagine!! A full day to relax and craft with no expectation to wash any dishes or do laundry! 
Here’s a picture of the welcome goodie bag

Everyone had smiles on their faces! Why not? Relaxing and crafting makes it easy to smile! 

One of the treats I handed out was a bottle of tropical punch. I picked it because the red colour was so festive. I wrapped the bottle with a bit of toile tidings paper. 

I loved how one of the ladies took the wrapper from the bottle and used it to create a Christmas card! 

Ultimate up cycling! 

In their goodie bags all the ladies received some of the Night Before Christmas notecards as well as that delicious diagonal striped ribbon (I say it’s delicious because it reminds me of a candy cane!) 
Here’s the make n takes from the day. 

I hope these photos inspire you to take some time for yourself to craft and create! 
Keep your eyes open! I hope to run another retreat day in March! 
Thanks for dropping in! 

Shop online 24-7 or contact me to help you place your order

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