Stampin4fun Membership

I love being a Stampin Up! demonstrator because I am pretty convinced about a few things: 

1. It is a joy, gift and blessing to me (and I believe to others,) to provide creative experiences. We all need a break from the rat race of reality.

2. The stamping experiences I offer help foster relationships.  People and relationships matter. 

3. What we create can be given to others and be a blessing to others. 

Although I had to streamline some things because of now working full time, I've continued to always offer some kind of creative experience every month. I am committed to serving you with Stampin' support and creativity! (Both in person and online)

I've heard from some of you that 

  1. you're not using what you've already purchased
  2. you don't have time to stamp and create
  3. You're not sure how to get started creating on your own outside of my classes
  4. It's hard to get out of your house to attend a class

I want to help you! 

Introducing the Stampin4fun Membership! 

This membership is always evolving but here's the key points:

This will be an exclusive VIP group (on facebook) where I'll share: 

unboxing of a monthly paper pumpkin crafting box and you can craft along with me 

A fancy step up project with video tutorial that you can re-create with your own supplies (check out a previous project below...a fancy file folder treat packet)

Prompts and interaction to foster creativity and community

and more...

This group is designed to give you a safe and exclusive crafting community to learn, create and use what you own in the comfort of your own home, wherever you are in Canada! 

Anyone can become a Stampin4fun member and be a part of this exclusive group! 

There's two ways to get entry into the group. 

1. Become a Paper Pumpkin monthly subscriber with me $34.75 plus tax per month includes shipping

2. Become a Stampin4fun Surprise Box Subscriber: receive a sampling of a variety of consumables to support your creating and use some to help create the fancy step up project that will be featured each month. $35 includes tax but add $10 if you require shipping to your door. Register here and I will send you a payment link. 

Don't wait!  Join this exclusive membership group today so you don't miss any of the video tutorials! 

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