Monday, July 20, 2020

Missing Maui

The past couple of weeks were a little sad since I was supposed to be on the Stampin' Up! incentive trip to Maui. 

I was really looking forward to enjoying the vacation with Kevin and the Hawaiian vibe.  I also love networking with other top performing demonstrators.  I always come back rejuvenated with more creative and class ideas. It's so sad to miss it this year. (stupid pandemic) Stampin' Up! made the wise decision to postpone the trip until May 2021.  

I did receive a card from the Canadian Demonstrator Development Manager celebrating the achievement. 

It was lovely but still...I was missing Maui. 

One of the demonstrators from the USA organized a zoom meet and greet for any Maui achievers. It was great to see fellow demonstrators and chat a bit.  I even wore my tropical hat that was a pillow gift from the Fiji Incentive trip. 
CEO Sara Douglass and Co-Founder Shelli Gardner even joined the zoom call. 

It was lovely but still...I was missing Maui. 

One of the Advisory Board Alumni sisters organized a zoom get together as well.  Most dressed up in a bit of tropical gear and shared card samples and we even did some mystery stamping. 
The mystery Stamping was quite fun!  Here's what I made: (couldn't resist using my product of the month of course) 

Maybe subconsciously I was making a card for myself! 
Anyway, it was still great to see my past Advisory Board sisters. 

It brought back memories of when I was first called to the Advisory Board (read about it HERE)
And my advisory board retreat experience

Remember the days when we could get together with people and share a meal and hug?????
Sob.  (stupid pandemic) 

Anyway, I must carry on since the good Lord hasn't taken me home yet so I'm going to try to stay focused on how I can use any skills I have to serve my family and my Stampin' family and church family. 

I think we need to do something fun together. Let's do some mystery stamping.  
I'll aim to hop onto my facebook group live on Thursday afternoon July 23rd around 4pm est and do some mystery stamping. Please join in!  It's totally free and is a fun way to connect. I'll post more details in my facebook group soon. 

Stay well. Thanks for dropping in.

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