Friday, March 27, 2020

Happy mail

Hi!  How is everyone holding up?  I'm still taking things one day at a time and one stampin' event at a time.

Just wanted to quickly pop on and share a pretty card I received in the mail. 
I always love receiving cards in the mail but it's even more precious now when I've had to cancel in person stamping gatherings, and church gatherings are cancelled etc etc.

I'm not an extrovert but I still need friendship and human contact!

Check out this pretty card:

it has a very fun fold

Let me tell you the story of this card. 

I like to do different challenges, games etc with my Team S.T.I.C. stampers. 
The latest idea was the idea of having a Secret Team STIC sister. 

Anyone on Team S.T.I.C that wanted to participate would be assigned a secret sister and you would promise to send one card a month to your sister in March, April, May. 

and then we could do a "reveal" party in June. 

If you participated, you would commit to sending a card and you should also receive a card. 

Little did I know when I started this game that we would end up in the middle of a global pandemic and that the mailed cards would bring such smiles and cheer. 

So, I'm thankful for my Team S.T.I.C stampin' family at this time!  We are all stamping and sharing in our own ways as we wait for this season to pass by. 

I would love to have you join our Team S.T.I.C family! 
Now is a great time because the saleabration starter kit special is still on...but only until the end of March. 

It's a great deal...and a great community! 
Read about it HERE
and join the fun here.

Shop online 24-7 or contact me to help you place your order

Come visit me on Facebook!

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