Friday, December 6, 2019

Holiday fun

This time of year may be busy but for me, there are so many things to enjoy!
I feel like things are a good busy not a bad busy if that makes any sense! 

Here’s a few photos of the things that I’ve been enjoying this busy season

I had in my mind that I wanted to make an advent calendar for my oldest son to have with him in his university residence. I had the lovely kit from Stampin Up and I wanted the family to help in making it for him. The problem was that my craft cave was too messy with other half finished projects and unpacked class bags that it was really too hard to work there. 
Imagine...a craft room that was too messy to craft in! 
Still I was determined to get this calendar made for Ethan. 
Did I clean up the craft cave? No. 
I just brought the kit upstairs and made it in the dining room. :)

I also escaped for a weekend retreat to begin the season of advent! 
This retreat was a new experience for me as it was at a Jesuit retreat house and the focus was on silence and prayer. I didn’t know any of the other attendees but it didn’t matter since we didn’t talk to each other anyway. (Remember it was a silence and prayer retreat) 
It was definitely an interesting experience that I would do again. A weekend of silence was a long time but it was also very restful. 
I had a simple room for sleeping but there was a huge property to walk around and explore and lots of nooks and crannys in the retreat house to just be still and focus on God. 

Of course there are the wonderful social gatherings that happen as the holidays approach. 
I enjoyed dinner with my “book club” group.
Book club is in quotations because we were once a mommy play date group that turned book club. We now don’t read any of the same books but we still talk about how the kids are doing and I would say it’s our mommy support group. 

Also just last night we had our Team STIC holiday party!
It was so fun! 
I spent most of the night laughing! 
I had organized stamping and demonstrations and games, photo booth  and of course we had to have food! 
Here’s a few photos. 
My favourite part of the evening was where we divided up into teams and each team made a gingerbread house. I said it was like master chef (the tv show) and that they had 10 minutes to make the best gingerbread house. 
My stamping team also has many girls that live long distance and can’t attend the meeting. Thats okay! They participated via Facebook live and they were like the master chef judges. I walked around with the camera as they posted comments to the contestants like the master chefs would do “keep up the good work”. “Pick up the pace” etc. 
At the end of the time frame each table displayed their creations to the online long distance team members and the online girls voted on the winner. 
I pretty much died laughing at one of the tables who explained that their gingerbread house was special because it, in fact, was a card take out window. I guess if you needed to buy or make a card you would go to this special window (I think this may have been created because their wall fell down or they didn’t have enough time to finish their house)  the roof was stunningly decorated with little candies that spelled STIC (sorry no photo) 
Anyway, I think fun was had by all at the annual team stic holiday party! 

We have so much fun being part of the Stampin' Up! family and Team S.T.I.C.  I would love if you can join me in the journey!  All you need to do to join the fun is purchase the starter kit!
Do it for the savings, the earnings or the fun community...or all three!
Check out more information here and don't hesitate to contact me! 

So that’s the adventures of late. This weekend I have one final craft show and Sunday we are going to see the new Disney movie Frozen 2 with the kids.
See what I mean?  It's all good busy!
I hope you are taking time to craft and enjoy time with friends as well!
Thanks for dropping in! 

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