Monday, October 14, 2019

A Baptism Card

Yesterday was what I call a glory day!  A day where there were so many reasons to celebrate God's goodness that it gives me a glimpse of heaven's glory so that's why I call it a glory day!

The day started with the usual heading to church for the 9:30am morning service but the service was special because there were several people who were choosing to get baptized.

One of those people was the daughter of my dear friend Gloria.  Gloria and I along with a third friend (Lee-Ann)  were roommates back in university and we've always enjoyed a special friendship.

I had to sit and make a special baptism card for Gloria's daughter of course!

I really enjoyed making it and I hope she enjoyed receiving it! 

I"ll paste the supply list below. 

I enjoyed listening to the testimonies of the baptismal candidates so much I decided to stay for the 11:30 church service where there were different people choosing to get baptized and I got to hear more wonderful stories of how they were touched by God's love. 

It was a taste of heaven! 

Then in the afternoon and evening, Kevin and I attended a wedding.  The bride and groom were young and beautiful.  The groom is just 23.  Since Kevin and I were the same age when we got married, it brought back happy memories of my wedding and I was so grateful for how our marriage has endured these past 20+ years. 

I haven't been to a wedding in a very long time but it was so heartwarming to see how this couple was entering into their commitment wholeheartedly and with a view that their marriage can be sustained by their humble service to one another and depending on divine strength from God. 

So that was my happy glory day yesterday! 
Thanks for dropping in! 

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