Thursday, August 29, 2019

Other things...

I feel like I have been off the stampin grid! I’m so sorry! There have just been so many life things that have been going on it feels like I’ve been doing bits of stampin and stampin business in between all sorts of other things! 
I’m hoping that once the kids are back in school I will be back to a regular work schedule! 
We actually had a fantastic card class last night! Super relaxing and casual! I forgot to take pictures but here’s one of the cards we made. You can see a couple of the other cards we made peeking out behind. 

Here’s a few real life pictures...just the stuff I’ve been doing and it all makes the days go by so quickly! 
Trying to doing some reorganizing of my craft cave: 

Taking the kids to the CNE! The Canadian national exhibition is a big fair in downtown Toronto! It’s also starting to be a bit of a end of summer tradition 

Trying a new french conversation meet up group in Richmond hill! 
This time I met someone from France! I could listen to him speak all night in that perfect France french! 

Also this past week I accompanied my daughter as she registered for high school and This weekend we are moving my eldest into his student residence for his first year of university.  I am hoping my heart will stay in one piece and I can get back into a regular routine come Tuesday! 
I hope you are all enjoying the last days of summer and I hope to stamp with you soon! 

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