Friday, December 21, 2018

Some crazy stamping

Happy Friday!  Just thought I would share some photos of what's been happening in my life lately!

I actually have a lot to share but today I will just share the process of making 800 tags.

Yes.  800 is a lot.  It's not something I would normally do but it is something that was needed for church and it's always a blessing for me to be able to use my stampin' tools to serve.

Knowing that a lot was needed, I kept the tag very simple:

There was absolutely NO WAY that I was going to mass produce 800 by myself.  If I tried, I would be worried that I would end up hating stamping by the end.  (okay that's probably not possible but who wants to take the risk?) 

I'm a part of a small group at church.  It's a pretty small group of 3 couples  but we do look for ways to do stuff together. 

I was pretty sure they would help and they were more than willing.  Welllll the grownups were willing.  The kids were no where to be seen.  (I think they were playing in the basement) 

It was our annual small group Christmas dinner so our bellies were full with delicious food and we worked it off by punching and stamping. 

We managed to do all the stamping and the punching of the whisper white cardstock. 

I ran our of pool party cardstock so we decided to call it a night and a job well done. 

When my cardstock arrived a few days later I asked the pastor at church if he could recommend another group that might be willing to help. 

Now this small group was bigger and seemed to have a lot of energy and enthusiasm.  (I don't know whether it was the wine following their bible study! ) 

With this group's help we were done in a flash. 

I was very very impressed how non experienced stampers could be so efficient.  I can tell they had a lot of fun.  (again, I don't know if it was the crafting or the wine...I"m sure it had nothing to do with the wine and was strictly their close friendship and fellowship. LOL)

And that is the crazy stamping story of how 800 tags were completed. 

Please come and see these tags in person by attending our candlelight christmas eve service.  Our church family would love to welcome you! 

All the details can be found HERE

Thanks for dropping in! I hope you are having fun getting ready for the holidays too! 

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