Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Some Christmas photos

I haven’t been working or online very much because I’ve wanted  to spend time with family and rest. 
I will be back in the saddle more next week but I thought I would share some holiday photos. 

This year in the days leading up to Christmas there were gatherings with family. 
Kevin’s cousin Gordon invited our family over for dinner.  Kevin and Gordon have dubbed each other long lost cousins. Kevin last saw Gordon when he was a young child and didn’t really have a memory of him. However, through different circumstances they ended up serving together last year on the Nicaragua missions trip and were reacquainted. 

The last bit of business I had to do before Christmas was to get some swap cards shipping.  With Canada post back ups from the strike, a visit to the United Postal Service was necessary.  Here was my little helper elf who helped me carry the parcels. 

Finally Christmas Eve arrived! I was so eager to enjoy the candlelight Christmas Eve service at our church 
What a beautiful and joyful celebration of Christ’s arrival. 

My daughter baked some cookies for Santa, my teenager son came home late from visiting with his girlfriend and promptly took the cookies and milk and consumed them while talking on the phone with the same aforementioned girlfriend and Kevin busied himself with making a breakout box. 

The box with multiple locks held the kids Christmas present and kevin had different clues which would give the codes to unlock the locks. It was pretty clever and even used UV lighting to reveal secret words. 

On Christmas morning we enjoyed our traditional big breakfast,
Christmas carols and unwrapping presents. 
For some reason I don’t have any photos of Christmas morning. I guess I was just too busy feeling grateful and enjoying time with my husband and my children who are growing up so fast. 
Thanks for dropping in! 
Stay tuned...starting next week I will be sharing new samples from the salebration offering. It will be a salebration streak! A new sample everyday! 

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