Monday, August 24, 2020

Just Sharing Happy Times

It was a happy weekend so I thought I would share some photos. 

Friday was the start of the much anticipated Socially Safe Stamp Camp! 
It just warmed my heart to see my stampers in person even if it was just for a one hour time slot..  Everyone managed to stamp the pieces for the 10 cards and then could join in later for the zoom call that included additional stamping demonstration inspiration and tips and tricks for assembling the 10 cards. 

Although it took some time and wonderful helpers to cut and pack everything it was worth it! 

Most of my classes are still online but since stamp camp had an in person component, some essentials like face shield, hand sanitizer and cleaning solution were necessary!  
Who would have thought these items would be essential for stamping classes?
But it's a small price to pay to get to see my happy stampers! 

So grateful to Early Blooms Montessori who allowed me to rent some space for the Socially Safe Stamp camp.  I know you can't tell but everyone is smiling under those masks! 

Who wouldn't smile when you can touch beautiful papers and stamp beautiful things? 
Here's just one of the 10 cards we made a stamp camp! 
In case you are wondering, I don't think it's too early to make Christmas cards! 

I thought it would be a good idea to have my annual garage sale (online this year) at the same time because I figured I would need to use the stamp camp as an opportunity to drum up business for the garage sale.  
ummmm...that wasn't necessary.  There was a shopping frenzy when the garage sale online group opened and I couldn't handle it all since I was busy chatting and sanitizing at the socially safe stamp camp. 
Thank the Lord for my wonderful husband who quickly managed to work out some kind of system to keep track of the action. 
3/4 of the length of our house is covered with bags lined up in Alphabetical order of the many shoppers at the sale. 
I thought it was hilarious when I came home and saw the bags lining the length of our house. 

I decided I needed to treat myself and my family to dinner to reward ourselves for our hard work today.  (not sure whether the kids did much hard work but I didn't want to leave them at home)

Before COVID, the stamp camps always included a greek meal so in honour of stamp camp, we went to Ithaca, the local greek restaurant. 

After dinner I came home and got to work doing some garage sale follow up and then Saturday continued to work on that but made sure to take some time out in the beautiful weather. 

Kevin and I went for a bike ride to main street unionville and rewarded ourselves with treats before the strenuous ride home. Physical activity is not a forte of mine but this summer I have done quite a bit of biking and have come to enjoy it! Of course it's best enjoyed with my sweetheart! 

So there's some photos of my happy weekend!  Stupid pandemic is not going to steal my joy! 
Thanks for dropping in! 

Don't forget about my August shopping special: Get a free package of stampin' dimensionals with your order of $60 or more.  Contact me or shop online

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