Friday, June 12, 2020

Socially Safe Stamp Camp

Sorry I've missed a few blogging days.  I've been busy prepping for the Stamp Camp event that I like to offer when each new catalogue is launched.  
This catalogue has been different indeed.  Last month when I realized that the pandemic was not ending anytime soon, I reached out to everyone who had signed up for the June stamp camp (it was sold out way back in January I think) and gave them a few options for getting their 10 cards. 
One of the fun things about stamp camp is the ability to see MANY different new products.  I knew that nobody coming to stamp camp would have all the stamps that I would be using.  10 different cards meant that I was using 10 different stamp sets At Least! 
I had considered changing the cards so that I just used one or two stamp sets and then people could buy them or use their own stamps and I could do the whole thing online. However I was stubborn.  I didn't want to change from the tradition of having a large variety of product and stamps being used on the cards. 

So....the Socially Safe Stamp Camp was born. 
I will be doing a zoom video session where I will do some stamping demonstrations and also share tips on how to make the 10 different cards but I also offered stamping sessions in my garage. 

I explained to all the registrants that if they felt comfortable, they could sign up for a 45 minute time slot to come to my garage and stamp the pieces.  Only 2 people allowed at a time to allow for social distancing. I had no idea if anyone would sign up because I wondered if people would be unhappy to stamp in a garage or unhappy that they could only stamp pieces and not sit and chat and take their time assembling the cards or just unhappy because there would be no delicious greek meal as usual.  (stupid pandemic) 

Amazingly almost everyone selected a garage stamping time slot! 

As the day approached I was excited and nervous.  I was going to see my stampers again! (excited) 
Oh my gosh, how are people going to stamp in my messy garage? (nervous)

The time slots span over three days and day one was yesterday!  Praise God that the weather was agreeable...not to hot and not too cold. The sunshine meant there was enough light in the garage to see. 

Here's a few photos! People from the same household could sit together otherwise it was one person per table and I made sure the two tables were appropriately spaced. 

I had these Lysol disinfectant wipes which I used to wipe the supplies and blocks and tables between each use.  Nothing like the lingering smell of lemon disinfectant when you are stamping! LOL

Well, one day down and I think it went well all things considered.  The people who came were so lovely and grateful to still be able to see the new stamps in action and didn't seem to mind about being in a garage.  There was still chatting and stamping and even though there wasn't any snacking, I did provide a little treat to help keep energy and spirits up! 
It's a little matchbook style treat holder.  I'm using all the new in colours with the new Pattern Play Stamp Set. (item 152523)
I figured we can't go wrong with a bright cheerful colour right now and Magenta Madness fits the bill of bright! 

So, if you don't see a new blog post for a while you'll know it's because I'm still busy with the socially safe stamp camp! 

I figured when the Holiday Catalogue goes live in August, the weather should still be okay to be outdoors so my next Socially Safe Stamp camp will be August 22nd. 

Do you want to see all the new stamps and goodies in the holiday catalogue? Then please sign up! 
I'm hoping maybe some facilities will be open by then and maybe I can rent somewhere and have 6 people at a time physically distant but if not...there's still two by two in my garage! 

We still have fun! 
We have to keep calm and stamp on and not let this stupid pandemic take away joy! 

Thanks for dropping in! 

Shop online 24-7 or contact me to help you place your order

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