Monday, June 1, 2020

Cheerful Alternates!

What a week last week!  Besides kicking off the Last Chance First Glance party, I had the Sweet and Simple class, Mountain air class and Friday Fun with paper pumpkin class and the Demonstrator stamp 'n share event.
I will say though, since I didn't actually have to be on my feet and pack and carry everything to a hall to run my events, I don't think I'm as tired as I would have been normally.  Could this be a possible benefit to the exclusively online classes?  Things that make you go hmmmm...

Today I wanted to share some of the alternate projects I made using the pieces in the May 2020 Paper Pumpkin kit.

This was such a great, cheerful kit with so many fun elements

Here's the kit assembled as per the instructions.

It's always super fun to see what alternate projects people create with the pieces of the kit.

Here's what I made:

A wall hanging/banner.  I gave it to my daughter to decorate her bedroom and to remind her that I think she is amazing.

Here's a close up of each of the elements.  I just had to add some basic black cardstock and the new Magenta Madness ribbon to the kit elements to create this fun decoration.  Here's close up photos of each of the panels. 

I also made a memories and more page

And a fun fancy fold card.

Did you know each month Paper Pumpkin does a facebook live video showcasing alternates for each kit?

Here's the one for May.  I hope you can see it.

I loved the May kit and now I'm super excited about the June kit!
It is perfect to share happiness and sunshine to others!

Watch this video to learn more about what's special with the June box!

Don't miss out!  Subscribe today with my unique link!

Thanks for dropping in!

Check out my product of the month

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