Monday, June 29, 2020

Bright and Cheerful!

When I sat down to start planning projects for the upcoming Ladies Retreat Day, I was determined to make projects that used bright colours.  I think I was feeling a bit blue about how long the pandemic is lasting and I have been praying for peace and faith in God's good plan for the future.  

As I sat and "played"  this is what came out: 

Just making this card was therapeutic for me.  I focused on all the bright spots during this time (like the family times I mentioned in last week's blog post)  and I focused on remembering that as much as I want to be in control and feel in control of the future, the future is best held in God's hands. 

I love this card.  

I want to share this card and other colourful projects with you as part of my Ladies Retreat Day! 

Please join me for a socially safe day of crafting!  You can work on whatever crafts make you happy and you can enjoy the perks of the Ladies Retreat Day: 

A goodie bag valued at $35
2 pillow gifts
4 make n take projects
Crafting zoom room open all day
Stampin' demonstrations
chance to win prizes
optional classes and more! 

Cost for this event is $50 
Add on the feature stamp set for only $34 more (you're saving the shipping by getting the stamp as part of an add on to this event) 
Add $12 to ship your retreat in a box to your door. 

Register HERE by July 6th

I hope you're a little bit inspired to craft with colour to brighten your day!

Stampin' Up! does have some great colours!  I'll paste the supply list for the card below.
Keep calm and stamp on!

Product List

Shop online 24-7 or contact me to help you place your order

Come visit me on Facebook!

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