Monday, May 25, 2020

Some more details on the Last Chance First Glance Party!

The upcoming Last Chance First Glance Facebook party is almost here! Are you getting excited?  I am! The party name is because I'll be showing off "Last Chance" products that are retiring but also giving a First Glance of brand new products that are coming in the new annual catalogue!
This is a party that anyone can join in as it's being held in my facebook group.
Make sure to join my facebook group! 

If you are not on facebook then the next best thing is to make sure you are on my email newsletter list as I hope to email out videos from the party.
Subscribe to my email newsletter list HERE

Since the big party day is coming up I thought I would give you an idea what to expect in case you've never joined in one of my facebook parties before AND  because this is the first time I am doing my Host Appreciation and Last chance first glance class online.

Here's what you need to know to get the most enjoyment out of this online party

  • Join my facebook group (I know I already said that) 
  • Watch for the get ready posts in the group
  • Tuesday I will pin an announcement to the group with the link to the door prize form
  • I will go live in my facebook group on Tuesday May 26th at 2pm EST and I will be stamping 4 cards for your inspiration and enjoyment. 
  • Past Hosts and Stampin4fun club members and current monthly Paper Pumpkin subscribers get special perks (Become a stampin4fun club member today! just let me know! )
  • It makes it easier if you have copies of the retiring and new catalogues to look at  (I've been informed that the catalogues I sent through the stampin' up mailing selector are starting to arrive.  If you live local, come pick up a new catalogue from me! )
  • If you can't watch the party live, the replay will be available.
  • Party perks start Tuesday May 26th and are only available for a limited time...until June 3rd.
Okay, now for the really fun part!  This facebook party has some party perks but let me tell you of the biggest one now!  

This is the time of year when I need to clean my shelves to make room for new stamps and products.  This means I am giving away my previously loved stamps, paper, inks FREE!  All you have to do is send me an order and you will get to choose from this very large list equal value for FREE! 
First come first served!  
Once you've placed your order including payment, you tell me what you want for free from my list and I will put it aside for you and strike it from the list.  You can then pick it up when you pick up your order.  If you want it shipped, let me know and I will calculate shipping individually depending on how many freebies you get. 

Yes!  You can order from what's available in retiring products AND order from the new catalogue.  You'll just have to message me your order as I am placing two group orders: one before the new catalogue goes live and one after the new catalogue goes live. 

If you want to shop online you will receive my May online ordering special in addition to the Party Perks. Just remember if you want to take advantage of retiring, last chance items shop online BEFORE June 3rd.  If you want new catalogue product then shop on June 3rd. 

My family has been very busy helping me get ready for my first ever online BOGO (buy one get one) event.  

I've cleared my shelves and packed bags and boxes of things I am willing to give away. (As is returns or exchanges)

My daughter has taken photos and my husband has put these photos along with value and description in a spreadsheet and PDF. 

The lists will be released on Tuesday @2 at my facebook party!  (unless you are a previous host, club member or current paper pumpkin will get early access)

I think that's all I wanted to share for now! 
I can't wait to stamp with you on Tuesday at the facebook party! 

Check out my product of the month

Shop online 24-7 or contact me to help you place your order

Come visit me on Facebook!

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