Monday, May 11, 2020

Mother's Day 2020

What  a different Mother's day yesterday!

Who would think we would have to enjoy Mother's day Pandemic style?

I always feel that Mother's day is a day to celebrate all women and our tendency to serve and nurture others around us.  So if you are a woman and reading this: cheers to you!

Just thought I'd share some photos from yesterday

I received lots of text messages from friends wishing me a happy mother's day.  I read each and every text!  It's so nice to connect with friends when we can't get together. 

We made two rib platters with veggies and mashed potatoes to take to our parents.  Back ribs were a little hard to find at the regular grocery store so Kevin had to go to a butcher to get the racks of ribs. 

Kevin's mom liked the card I made so she's showing it off in this photo! 

I think both sets of parents enjoyed their home made rib dinner.  Here's how we wished them Happy Mother's day in a socially distant way! 

We didn't want to risk anything since we know the elderly are at such risk we thought it was best to stay apart as per the public health directives.  
I think these photos really speak to the crazy times we are all going through right now. 

My mom had a cake ordered for us to enjoy today.  It got devoured right after dinner!
Speaking of dinner, since it was mother's day, I got to pick the dinner of my choice.  We haven't really done take out meals as generally feel it's best to go out as little as possible.  Between grocery shopping and my trips to the post office, it already feels like we go out too much.
However, Mother's day seemed like a good day to be brave and order take out.
My meal of choice?  Osmows middle eastern food.  I LOVE their chicken on rice.  It tasted even better since we haven't indulged in quite a while!

I think we'll be doing take out more often.  On the plus side, we can know we are supporting small businesses and the economy!

I was also showered with thoughtful gifts!

I even received a bouquet of flowers and a handmade card from Team member Zahra.  (since I am her "stampin mom"

I love the simplicity yet beauty in this caard. 

All things considered it was a great Mother's day.
I'm very blessed!
Now, more than ever it's a time to count our blessings!

Thanks for dropping in!

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