Friday, May 1, 2020

A final Witty-cism sample

Happy Friday!
So, how have you been passing the COVID-19 days?
Here's something our family did since we couldn't go to Poutine Fest in Ottawa this weekend as originally planned.

We ordered poutine ingredients for our grocery pick up and this week we had our own poutine fest in our kitchen.
French fries? Check.  Poutine gravy?  Check  Cheese Curds? Check.

We even organized the dinner the night before our poutine fest to be Pulled pork sandwiches so we could use the left over pulled pork for poutine topping if we wanted.
See, the fun of poutine fest is that there are many varieties of poutine toppings.  It's fun to try different ones.

Little Nathaniel was the cutest. (he's now 13 but he's still little Nathaniel to us since he'll always be the youngest)
 He wanted to set up a canopy in the backyard and eat outside under the canopy like we do when we go to Ottawa and he said that Daddy had to drink beer because that's what he does at Poutine fest.
Well, it was grey and rainy so we didn't sit outside under the canopy after all but Daddy did drink beer

Here's my poutine creation.  I went with Poutine avec champignons. (mushrooms)

I don't think we normally have green peas in our poutine at Poutine Fest but since we were at home it was our token vegetable.  LOL

so, we're trying to hang in there just as you are I'm sure!

Apologies for being late posting the video from my Tuesday @ 2 facebook live. I loved this fun card! We're actually planning to have tacos for dinner tonight.  Maybe I'll give this card to my son since it's his first day of work at his new summer job.  (I'm trying not to worry that he's going into the COVID wild now)
or maybe I'll give it to my husband since apparently it's principals day today.

Anyway, I digress.  here's the video replay.
I"ll post the supply list below!
Better grab the retiring items before they are gone! Feel free to head to my online store!

Shop online 24-7 or contact me to help you place your order

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