Monday, April 13, 2020

Sharing this and that...

Happy Monday friends!  I hope you had a nice weekend.  I took some time away from the craft cave and enjoyed some spiritual inspiration this Easter weekend.
Our church has gone completely online and I'm super impressed how so many volunteers have pulled together to share spiritual inspiration online! It couldn't have been easy!

You can check out the various experiences here 

Even though the kids are all teenagers now, I figured it wouldn't hurt to do our traditional Easter egg hunt.

They were all good sports and played along but only the youngest let me take a photo!

We also put together some Easter cards and treats for some neighbours and friends. 

It was fun to do some surprise porch drop offs and very nice to see some friendly faces...even if it was from a distance or though a window! 

(I can't take credit for baking the daughter made 170 cookies! I only glued on the paper topper) 

The last thing I wanted to share with you is one of the projects from the recent April technique class. 
The theme was strips and scraps.  It's amazing what you can create with leftover pieces! 

I'll post the supply list for this card below. 

I hope you are managing through these difficult times.  I will say I don't like it.  I'm trying to stay positive and I have so much to be grateful for but I still don't like it (imagine me stomping my feet right now) 
Sigh.  I'm hoping I'll be able to resume my in person stamping classes and events soon.  Seeing happy stampers helps fill my bucket! 
In the meantime, I will carry on doing the best I can with online classes and staying strong.  I hope you can hang in too!  

Check out my product of the month

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