Friday, April 3, 2020

cards brighten my day!

I've always believed in a power of a handmade card...especially when it's given to someone else!

I feel so blessed to have been the recipient of several handmade cards recently.  In fact, it's so exciting to pick up the mail now because the thought that I might receive a tiny piece of love in the form of a handmade card makes checking the mail exciting!

Thank you to all of you who have taken the time to message me, email me, text me and even send me a card. I love it that some of you know my francophile tendencies and have sent me cards in french!

I am so encouraged!  Thank you! We will get through this historic time...together.

Here's a few photos of cards I've received.  I hope these cards inspire you to reach out to encourage someone or take out your stamps and create a card for someone.

Thank you Laura H

Thank you Amanda B

Thank you Lindsay B

Thank you Andrea S

Thank you Leena G

Thank you Mary D

Thank you Lorraine P

And this card from Aviva G made me laugh out loud!

I agree!  Let's take this time when we're stuck at home to CRAFT, CRAFT, CRAFT!

Keep in touch with me and one another as we find ways to stay positive during this difficult time!
Keep calm and stamp on!
Thanks for dropping in!

Shop online 24-7 or contact me to help you place your order

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