Friday, March 13, 2020

Stampin4fun thoughts and classes re: COVID 19

I have to admit I was incredibly shocked at the news yesterday that all Ontario public schools would be shut down for two weeks after March break.
It certainly made me pause and wonder what I should be doing with my family and my business to protect ourselves and others.

It's not that I haven't been following the news regarding this virus.  As a previous Occupational Therapist and health care worker, I am familiar with infection control procedures and general strategies to prevent infection.
Recommended strategies all seemed very common sense to me so I was not particularly alarmed.
I certainly have upped my handwashing game and have been really conscientious about getting enough sleep since January and I have been remarkably healthy this season.  I haven't even gotten the customary cold/runny nose that I always get in the winter months.  I'm guessing that the super frequent handwashing helped.

I know there has been a lot of media and social media articles floating around.  I tried to stay away from those that leaned toward instilling panic and fear.  Instead, I tried to instill myself with truths from my Christian faith:

"Rejoice in the Lord always.  I will say it again: Rejoice!  Let your gentleness be evident to all.  The Lord is near.  Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God, and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" Phil 4: 4-7

I didn't want to succumb to fear and spend my days reading article after article about the virus.
I am trying everyday to focus specifically on giving thanks to God and being grateful for the many blessings in my life. As well, I try to spend time each day praying for others who may need an extra dose of God's love and presence to get through difficulties in their lives and lastly lifting up my own family in prayer.

I won't lie.  I have a bit of uneasiness about Kevin leaving for his missions trip this Saturday to Nicaragua. Most of the other team members already left on Wednesday.
 I think everyday of my eldest son living downtown and taking public transit and sitting in university lecture halls filled with hundreds of students. He also has a terrible habit of biting his nails when he's bored or nervous. (ack!  Don't put your hand near your mouth screeches his nagging mother)

However, for me, I want to find that balance between taking reasonable precautions but not being so anxious and afraid that I miss out on the things and people that bring joy.
You can check out the first blog post from the Nicaragua missions team HERE.  It doesn't sound like they were practicing social distancing at all but I can tell that the experience was full of love and joy!

The number one reason I continue to do Stampin' Up! is because I am still convinced it allows me to bring a taste of joy to others and I myself experience joy!  Secondly, this is a way that I can contribute to my family financially.
On the plus side, stamping is a hobby that can be done in isolation, in the comfort of your own home but there is also something lovely about doing it with others.

So, with all that background and introduction, here is what I have decided to do regarding my classes and events for now based on my thoughts and my understanding from what I have read.

I will be continuing with my in person events such as stampin' socials, card classes etc with the following guidelines:
All table top and stampin' tool surfaces will be washed/cleaned before and after each event.
We will not be sharing our happy stampin' love through hugging
Please do not attend if you have a fever or significant coughing.
In addition, for my in person class options, I can be flexible with the possibility of smaller class size or 1:1 stamping or take it to go options, if you have compromised immune system.
Each event will be assessed on a case by case situation regarding steps I will take to make the event as flexible, safe and enjoyable as possible. 

As has always been the case, for events that require prepayment, there are no refunds if you do not attend but sometimes alternate arrangements can be made to do the class at the different time, pick up a to go option etc.

Please be aware I will continue to monitor the situation and if I feel I need to make changes to the above guidelines, I will do so.

I am still hoping that you will come enjoy my Sweet and Simple class this month (March 25th)  as I was going to make it a special saleabration finale!  I've been saving up my extra saleabration rewards so I can give you an extra bonus item with your order!  I also have been planning the cards and can't wait to show you!  (REGISTER HERE)  It will be at Markham baptist church so there is plenty of room.
 Edited March 27th: In case anyone is reading this post later, I've changed my stampin' classes to all online to help keep us all safe. (this post was originally written on March 13th)

I already have lots of "online" and "take it 2 go" stamping options available.  If you haven't participated in these before, now is the time!

For example, March 24th is my facebook saleabration finale party.  Make sure to be part of my facebook group so you dont miss out!

Please keep in touch, keep an eye on my events calendar as I continue to work to bring Stampin' happiness to you. Thank you for your friendship and support.

Check out my product of the month

Shop online 24-7 or contact me to help you place your order

Come visit me on Facebook!

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