Monday, March 23, 2020

Prepping Packets and more!

How are you all holding up?  We are doing okay here!  It is with great relief I can let you know that my husband and the rest of the Nicaragua missions team has returned safely back to Canada.  Everyone is self-isolating for the advised 14 days.
I gave my husband a very romantic, welcome home gift of gloves and mask.

It's pretty strange (and funny) to be communicating with my husband either through facetime or texting when he is just upstairs!  We do see each other in person but only from a distance.  I'll be in the hallway and he'll be in the bedroom and we talk.  It's kind of funny.
I leave meals on the floor at the bedroom door and knock and then run away before he opens to the door.

It's a strange life to be out of the normal routine but I am grateful for the food we have and the roof over our heads and the many people we can still connect with over phone and internet. 

The activity has slowed down a bit in the craft cave but since all my classes until further notice have been adjusted to online/take it to go versions, I've been busy writing instructional tutorials and cutting take it to go packets. 

Check out this pretty project that was a part of my Botanical Prints Stamp Camp which was supposed to happen this week.  Even though we can't gather in person, I know the class attendees will still be well taken care of with the jumbo product medley and the instructional tutorials and photographs. 

I know it might be hard to tell what this is from the photo.  It's an acetate box filled with four cards and matching envelopes.  The box is wrapped with a bow and a pretty decorative tag. 

I hope the class attendees enjoy making the cards, the tag and the other projects in the class! 
The supplies I used for this project are listed at the very bottom of this post.  Click on any of the images to take you to my online store. 

I love the stitching on the label and of course the sweet copper bee element!

So, as you can see, I'm still open for business!
Browse my online store to see what happy crafting supplies catch your eye!

Of course don't miss my facebook party Tuesday March 24th at 2pm EST.
It will be held in my facebook group.  Join Here! 
Everyone is welcome to join the crafty party!

Check out my product of the month

Shop online 24-7 or contact me to help you place your order

Come visit me on Facebook!

Product List

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