Monday, November 18, 2019

What a Weekend!!

What a Weekend!  I have to share but I know my words and photos will not be enough to describe the experience but hope I can do my best.

The excitement started on Thursday evening.  I headed over to my home church, Cornerstone Christian Community Church where they were hosting a Christmas Market and Open Table dinner.  Of course I had a table at the market and had some treats and kits available for sale.  The best part was seeing the buzz of activity and chatting to some very very nice people!

The next day, I woke up bright and early to get myself ready to head downtown for the Stampin' Up! On Stage Event. 

The November on stage event is a chance for demonstrators to gather together, share stamping inspiration, be recognized for achievements and be introduced to the new spring product line that will be released January 2020. 

The main On Stage event was being held in Germany.  (Yes, I was very tempted to attend) 
However, there were several satellite local locations and Toronto was one of the locations.  I thought the experience would be richer if I stayed in town and celebrated with my Team S.T.I.C stampers.  I'm so glad I stayed! 
I enjoyed so many special moments with my team members and I sure received a lot of treats! 

I believe we had about 79 Team S.T.I.C stampers attend the Toronto On Stage event. I love these ladies!  They are my stampin' family!!! 
Check out the family photo!  :-)  (I'm feeling like a proud mama bird)  

We were also given lots of stampin' goodies.  Who doesn't love free stamps??

Look at the haul I came home with!! We even got such a cute and functional backpack! 

I love how Stampin' Up! looks for ways to surprise and delight...Candace was one of the winners of every single prize giveaway! There were only about 2 that had a special button that entitled them to win every prize that was given away! 

I made a special gift for each person attending.  It was a bracelet that says: Enjoy the Journey and a flag that they could attach to their name badge. 

We also got to see the new catalogue!!!!

I was honoured and blessed to receive recognition at the event.  It was announced that for the last Stampin' Up! year I was ranked as #1 overall in Canada, #1 in Sales in Canada, #12 Overall in the world, #2 in leadership in Canada and #5 in Recruiting in Canada.
What a blessing what a gift! I will take it as a sign from God that I am right where I should be right now and I shall carry on gathering women together to share joy and friendship and...stamping, of course! 

  Friday night there was a special dinner  for Silver Elite and above titled demonstrators where the food was incredible.  Mashed Potatoes, chicken, roast beef, Seafood chowder....yummmm!  (I forgot to take a picture of the food.  I was too busy eating it) 

Team S.T.I.C girls who earned the special Friday evening Dinner. 

Saturday there was more recognition where we celebrated demonstrators for all different achievements and milestones like tenure, sales, incentive trip earners and more.  

All the excitement had a great finish with a Team dinner at Scaddabush restaurant. 

In case you think that was all the excitement this past weekend....of course there is more! 
Sunday afternoon was my Christmas cardmaking fundraiser! 

It was a perfect afternoon where ladies sat and enjoyed making 10 different Christmas cards.  Some of the ladies were brand new to crafting with me and I loved seeing them enjoy the atmosphere and their pride at the 10 cards they made.  
You don't have to be creative or super crafty to come enjoy an event with me!  I do everything I can to prep things so you can just relax and enjoy! 

Whew!  See what I mean when I say " What a Weekend"? 

What makes the stampin' journey amazing??? 

The people.  

To everyone who has shopped with me this past year, I want to show my support and gratitude at my annual Customer appreciation event. 

Register now!  There's an option for everyone whether you're local or long distance or have shopped with me or not! 
Read about it and register HERE

Thanks for dropping in! 
After the busy weekend I think I need a nap now! 

Shop online 24-7 or contact me to help you place your order

Come visit me on Facebook!


  1. Congratulations Gen! What a huge Achievement! Your energy, inspiration, hard work, dedication and smile shine through.....Enjoy your success, you certainly have earned it!

    1. Thank you so much!!! Sorry, I can't see who wrote this comment but I am touched by your kind words!
