Friday, September 6, 2019

Best laid plans

I had big plans this week! I was going to get organized and be ultra productive in all my stampin business activities I had to do. 
Well, plans didn’t go as I expected. I was disorganized and only minimally productive.
However it was a still a good week. 

Here’s the good things: 
It seems like my son had a good first week at university. I did shed a few tears dropping him off at the residence downtown (okay maybe more than a few tears)  but they were mostly happy tears since I know he was at the right place for him and it was so nice to see him excited but nervous about living in a new place 

My other two kids had great weeks as well. My daughter says she likes high school much more than her previous elementary school and the youngest son likes his teacher because he’s a boy as well. :) 

The stampin up business development manager Dale Hampshire enjoys visiting demonstrators and he decided to come visit us at our September team get together. 

Fortunately I knew dale well enough to know that I didn’t need to do anything particularly special or extravagant for his visit. So getting ready for our team get together was like every other madly doing all the little things to get making sure I have handmade cards to celebrate achievements of team members 

I still wanted to make it a little special so I bought a cake 

And a cake means it’s officially a party. There were even presents like a real party!  

Of course there was also card swapping. 

So maybe I didn’t get as much work done as I wanted to but it was still a good week. 
I was reminded to just enjoy the small things. 
Like seeing your youngest son playing with his stuffies 

I hope you had some good things in your week too. Thanks for dropping in! 

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