Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Beat the Blues Stampin Bingo

The winter blues are a real problem.  I know I'm not the only one that battles with feeling down during the winter months.  When my son came home from school yesterday he said that it was "blue Monday" the most depressing day of the year.  I don't know if I believe that but I do know that January and February can be difficult months as I feel trapped in the house trying to stay warm.

The past few years when I tried to organize a stampin' class with some fun rounds of bingo, I believe we got so much snow many people couldn't attend.  In organizing the class I had hoped that the coming out to stamp and play some bingo would combat the winter blues and that doesn't work so well if you can't make it out.

Well, this year, snow all you want...we're taking stampin' bingo online!
You can enjoy this stampin' event from the comfort of your own home!

I've learned how to use a great video conference service called Zoom and it's so easy to use.
We'll still be "together" and you will see me demonstrating the projects.  I'll have mailed the precut project pieces to your home ahead of time and you'll also get a bingo card.  You could win Stampin' Up! prizes!

How fun!

I've done it a couple times before and it was a big hit!

Introducing: Beat the Blues Stampin' Bingo!  Please register and join in!  I would love to have fun with you!

Mon. Feb. 25th 7pm Beat the winter blues Stampin’ Bingo: Online Version.  It’s Back! Enjoy the fun of my Stampin’ Bingo nights from the comfort of your own home! In the mail you’ll receive your bingo card and make n take supplies.  You’ll receive an email with a video conference link so you can join in from wherever you are!  I’ll do stamping demonstrations and we’ll have fun playing bingo.  There will be great Stampin’ Up! prizes too of course! Cost: $35   RSVP by Feb. 11th

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