Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Mr. UPS Man: "REALLY?"

I had e-mailed Kevin last night when he was out, mourning that I was still awake at 11:00 pm working on the teacher gifts. I really thought I would've been much faster completing everything but somehow I got embellishing and the time just flew away on me. Anyway, he e-mailed back that he needed several gifts for the teachers in his school. Several?? I had planned to make something for the principal but that was just one person. No worries. I had the morning to myself today in which I had planned to make the one gift...just make a few more...no problem. Now let me ask you. If you saw these on someone's porch,

Wouldn't you think twice about putting these on top of them?

I just about had a heart attack when I opened the door to my porch in order to do the second coat of glaze and saw my tiles peeking out from under the boxes. If any of them were broken, I think I might have cried. Fortunately none were broken so no harm done but honestly, I couldn't understand why the UPS man would do this. My first thought was "maybe these coasters looked so ugly that he thought it was garbage"...you know, like a piece of crumpled paper, so no harm piling boxes on top. For obvious reasons I couldn't accept this answer. I know you can't see it very well in the picture but I had used two shades of purple on the flower: perfect plum and wisteria wonder (a new in colour!) and I had even shaded the leaves in both pear pizzazz and certainly celery on top of that I am using the beautiful Because I Care stamp set. There is no way that these beautiful tiles could be mistaken as garbage! I then started laughing to myself because the idea came to me that perhaps the UPS man thought I had designed and created a beautiful platform for him to place my precious Stampin' Up! cargo. No more putting those boxes on the common ground. Oh no, we need to have a platform made of individually stamped and coloured tiles. I am killing myself laughing about this to myself. Of course, perhaps the UPS man just didn't think anything at all which is probably the case. Well, that's my story for today. So, the moral of the story is: Don't leave your tiles to dry on the porch if you're expecting a delivery from the UPS man.


  1. I started reading the blog, got distracted by the beautiful hydrangea coasters, went back to reading and I couldn't help it... I started laughing... ^_^

    I can just imagine you standing on your porch, wondering if there was something wrong with the coasters, and trying to reason why the UPS man would place those boxes on them!

    I'm glad that nothing happened to them. They're absolutely beautiful. I think the UPS man just couldn't see them on the ground since the boxes were so big. Either that or he was just trying to keep them out of the sun.
