Saturday, June 1, 2024

Under Renovation

Are you ready for a long story? 

I'm going to share a slice of my wonderful life with you and share some of the many thoughts I've been pondering of late. 

Once upon a time there was a girl who was not at all "crafty" but was introduced to cardmaking from a friend and thought it was kind of fun to do.  The cards were not fancy but it was such a great activity to do with friends. 

p.s. that girl was me! 

That was the beginning of a journey that led to becoming a Stampin' Up! demonstrator, and oh my!  What a ride!

What did I gain from the journey? 

Amazing friendships

A deeper understanding of my personal strengths and limitations and how they help or hinder my ability to make a difference in this world

An amazing collection of stamps, ink and paper

A sustainable home based business 

and a lot of amazing experiences including numerous incentive trips, recognition and gifts! 

(I am required to tell you the financial/monetary rewards are not typical as less than 1% earn the trips) 

I would say that the amazing friendships part is probably typical though! 

I went through my archives to share some photos with you! (because what's a blog post without photos!)

I can't believe I've been a demonstrator for over 16 years! 

I've learned so much and really for the past 10 years or more I've been constantly adding new things because I wanted to offer more and broaden my skills and what I could give to my team and customers. 

People would often comment that they didn't know how I did it all with having a family and church responsibilities etc. Here's the secret.  I have a super supportive husband and I don't sweat the small stuff.  (yes, tidying my home and mopping my floors is considered the small stuff!) LOL

As many of you know, in 2022 I had a exceptional summer! I spent five weeks at the University of Quebec in Chicoutimi Quebec trying to realize my dream of becoming bilingual.  Also, after what felt like a long process, I was hired as the Canadian Demonstrator Development Manager for Stampin' Up!  

Working full time corporately for the company has been intense and exciting.  Once again I am learning so much! 

I made some changes in my personal demonstrator business at that time knowing that I couldn't have two full time jobs. 

Now that the dust has settled a bit I'm looking at my demonstrator business with fresh eyes. 

As you may recall, my mission statement for my Stampin4fun business is:

To bring joy and blessing to women through the fun of papercrafting with Stampin’ Up!

The heart in my logo is very intentional! This business is about love! I want to bring love and joy to you! 

Of course I serve all people of all genders and all ages but my focus has been on helping women enjoy a break from the stresses of life with a little social, crafty escapism.

Now that I typically work over 40 hours a week as an employee, I’ve decided I need to do a big re-evaluation of all the things I do as a demonstrator and prioritize those things that align best with my mission and also that I love to do best, while still making sure I am prioritizing my family and faith.

As I thought about how to communicate this with you, my wonderful community (which includes friends, customers, and Team STIC members) I realized it’s just like retail stores or restaurants that need to close for a period of time so they can renovate.

Often these restaurants have signs that say “Renovating to Serve you Better”

That’s exactly how I feel!

I need to renovate my business so I can make sure I am serving you best with the time and resources I have available.

So, I’ll be offering much less over July and August so I can take some time to “renovate”  and reflect. For example, my monthly lunch laugh and craft class will be on pause and I won’t be doing weekly facebook live videos.  Emails informing you of product and specials will become more infrequent. My Club membership will be the only thing that will definitely continue over the summer (Want to know more about my club? Check out information hereCheck out information here).  Otherwise, everything else will not have the consistency that I’ve had in the past. It’s all on the table for “renovation” so to speak.

Watch for announcements near the end of the summer or Fall when I will have a Grand Reopening where I will outline what you can expect moving forward.  As soon as I have more details I will let you know. Make sure you are on my email newsletter list! email newsletter list!  I’m sure I’ll be ready for a big stampin’ party after the renovation!

To be clear I am still a demonstrator and planning to stay a demonstrator.  You can still reach out to me with your questions.   It’s just that during the summer you may notice that my presence is “spotty” instead of as consistent as I have been in the past.

I would so appreciate your support and understanding as I go through this necessary process.

Make sure to bookmark my online store and visit it regularly to see all the Stampin’ Up! current offers and product.  Of course my online store is open 24-7 for your inspiration and shopping convenience!

My final two classes before renovation begins are listed below.

I encourage you to come and enjoy these events with me and bring a friend!

It will be great!

If you made it to the end of this blog post I applaud you!  Thank you for being a part of this amazing journey with me!  I can’t wait to see what my newly renovated business will look like in the fall!


Supper and Stamping Cardmaking Fundraiser: 
  The proceeds raised will go to support the Cornerstone Christian Community Church mission team to Thunder Bay, Ontario.  This team will partner with Northwind Family Ministries to support their work with Indigenous families in Northern Ontario. 
Anyone can participate!
Come enjoy an informal dinner prepared by the mission team volunteers and supporters and spend time relaxing and chatting as you create some handmade cards.  No experience is required and everything is prepared to make it easy and fun for you! Choose from four different kit options and choose as many as you want! 
Bring a friend because the more the merrier and the more money will be raised for the cause! 
In person date: Thursday June 27th
Location: Cornerstone Christian Community Church
Time: 6:30pm
RSVP by June 10th to allow time to order the kits. 
If your schedule doesn't allow to attend in person, you can "take it to go" and receive the box kit to create your cards on your own time, at your leisure.
Please Register and choose your kit(s) HEREHERE
*although unlikely, substitutions may occur if stock runs out
* One kit per attendee over 12 years old. (Younger crafters may share a kit with a parent or friend) 


 Lunch Laugh and Craft-June

June 18th Lunch Laugh and Craft! Enjoy making 3 cards for $20 and enjoy a social lunch* after the cardmaking. You purchase the lunch of your choice from the menu before the crafting begins and it will be ready for you to enjoy when you're done!. We'll meet at the Swiss Chalet at (Markham and 14th ave) 11:00am. Bonus: Receive your $20 class fee refunded when you place a stampin' order of $30 or more. RSVP ASAP (*lunch purchase from restaurant is required to participate in the cardmaking) Register HEREHERE

Any Orders $100 or more will receive the current month Global Creative Tutorial Bundle FREE!  That's 12 written tutorials with videos. 

            May focus: Designers Choice from the 2024-2025 Annual Catalogue


Shop online 24-7 or contact me to help you place your order

Need help shopping online? Watch this video HERE

May online shopping Offer: 
  • Don't forget to get your free class in the mail when you place an online order $60 or more using host code: 

    Do not use the host code if your order is $200 or more before tax/shipping so you can claim your free stampin' reward product.  I'll still give you any stampin4fun perks

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