My daughter has the privlege of being born in the middle of two brothers. So, sometimes I like to do girl things with her to encourage her since she sometimes feels left out in all the boy play in the house.

This past weekend I promised her that with school over, I would have a "sleepover" with her. (Which basically meant that I would sleep in her room (she has a trundle bed pullout under her bed) I also decided to take her out for dinner "just the girls" She was so excited to get ready to go out for dinner she ran to the back door and got her coat and boots on and then put on swimming goggles over her eyes! When questioned about the goggles, she said she needed them to protect her eyes because it was so cold outside. I found it so hilarious. I took pictures.

I love that idea of doing a sleepover!!! And the googles are priceless. I'm sure you made Michelle feel extra special.